Sinan Yücel

Which person would you like to meet?
Gronkh - I would give him a big hug and thank him for all the years he supported me with his videos.

What would you get up for in the middle of the night?
For my best friend, who usually asks me around midnight if I want to go to McDonalds for a Coke Light.

What was your favourite project?
The photo of the Milky Way that I took in the Eifel National Park - it was a long-cherished dream that I was finally able to fulfill.

Was ist dir wichtig im Job?
„Wenn du Spaß dabei hast, ist es nicht wirklich Arbeit“ - Ein Zitat von Pierre Omidyar. Spaß an der Sache ist die Quintessenz und in meinen Augen auch das Einzige, was mich langfristig glücklich macht.